Monday, October 31, 2011

bookmark monday.

Hey guys! I got out of work late Friday night, went to the movies, worked all day Saturday, went to my parents for dinner, went to a Halloween party, worked all day Sunday, and came home to do massive amounts of homework for 5 hours while wrapped in a blanket, wearing a hat and gloves, and sipping hot cocoa (out of a disney princess mug, of course). Whew. THAT was a sentence.

What's my point? My point is... anywhere in that run-on sentence, does it say "made cookies!" or "cooked dinner!" ? No? Well, that's because the only action my kitchen has seen is the occasional microwaving of hot beverages and possibly D making spaghettios. That boy's obsessed.

So in lieu of a recipe today (sorry!), I'm going to make your mouth water by showing you what I've bookmarked lately that I haven't gotten around to trying out.

Happy Monday, friends!


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