Today I'm going to give you a peak into the life of me. I took a picture of everything I ate yesterday just for you! Don't you feel special? ;)
Apple cider that I bought at the apple orchard on Sunday! |
A leftover pulled pork sandwich from Monday night. Recipe coming soon! |
Unpictured: A big ol' plate of apple crisp! Mmmmm.
French Vanilla Cappuccino! |
A Honey Crisp apple. Hands down my favorite kind of apple. |
Homemade Chicken Pot Pie. Recipe coming soon! |
Also, today I made funfetti cupcakes. Because they're delicious AND fun. I topped them with rainbow chip frosting because D and I freaking love that stuff. I've seen D eat it out of the container with a spoon. Not joking.
I'll be back tomorrow with either pulled pork or chicken pot pie! Ahh, a cliffhanger. Don't you just love a good cliffhanger? Yeah, me neither. Sorry about that!
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