Wednesday, October 12, 2011

oats in a jar.

I like oats. This is no secret. Well, lately I've seen pictures of "OIAJ" or "Oats in a Jar" on instagram/various blogs. It basically consists of cooked oats in a jar with whatever you want added. Since I always put natural peanut butter on my oats, I thought the perfect jar to use would be the empty Skippy jar. 

And so, I have been waiting for the jar to be empty. And waiting. And waiting. Any yesterday, I finally used up the last of it! All I have been able to think about since then is pouring hot oats into the jar (with layers of brown sugar), and watching as it melted the peanut butter that was stuck to the sides.

After all this waiting, I have not been disappointed. If anything, I'm disappointed that I have to wait until another jar is empty to experience this again. I mean, unless you guys want to send me your empty peanut butter jars or something. Wait, that's weird. Nevermind. 

These pictures don't do it justice. It's hard to get a good picture of something crammed into a jar. But it was delicious! Just the right amount of ooey gooey melted peanut butter, melted brown sugar, and yummy filling oats. (Sidenote: I am now also out of oats. Dangit.)

As I was layering the oats and brown sugar, I thought about how good a cut-up banana would be added to the layers. I'll have to try that next time! Another plus to the jar: my oats stayed hot the whole time! Usually they are cold by the time I take the last bite, but the jar kept them compact enough that they were nice and hot :)

Happy Wednesday, all!


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