Tuesday, November 1, 2011


1. I finally made homemade chicken quesadillas for the first time last night. I don't know why I've been avoiding them like the plague.. they were actually super simple. And they turned out delicious! (I may or may not have had the pan a teeeeny tiny bit too hot at first and accidentally burnt the outside of D's quesadilla. Since he likes his toast to basically just be warm bread, I figured there was no way he would eat it. Well... he ate the whole thing. I guess the chicken and cheese made up for the burnt tortilla?)

2. We went to see "In Time" on Friday night. Can I just say that Justin Timberlake is one of my favorite actors? If this wasn't the case before this year, Friends with Benefits put him firmly in my top 5. Have you seen that movie? You really should. I liked it so much that if the movie theater people (?) came in and said "Hey, you guys up for round 2?" I would have been game.

3. My youngest niece, Kynlee, was a sock monkey for Halloween.

She is too dang cute.

My middle niece, Maddie, was Frankie Stein from Monster High.

Google "Monster High Frankie Stein". I did, and it turns out its a doll. And she looks just like it! :)

My oldest niece, Taylor, was the joker.

The fact that I remember holding her as a baby makes me feel old.

4. One of my siblings needs to have a son. (Refer to #3)

5. I went to a Halloween Party on Saturday night and watched Paranormal Activity, except the music was so loud that we couldn't hear the movie and had to just kind of guess what was going on. Turns out, scary movies have zero scare factor when you can't hear them.

6. I wanted to dress up for aforementioned Halloween Party, but D didn't want to dress up and he said he would not associate with me if I wore a jersey with "Ceiling" written on a piece of paper and taped over the team's name and told people that I was a Ceiling Fan. Next year, next year.

7. Now that it's after Halloween and there isn't really any such thing as "Thanksgiving music", I'm really fighting the urge to listen to Christmas music. D hates Christmas music, but I love it. Sometimes a song will come on the radio and D will change the station and say "it sounded too christmas-y." Man, what a scrooge!

8. I fully plan to play Christmas music from about November 24th - December 25th (if I can hold off until then!) during all of the following activities: baking, cleaning, doing homework, showering, wrapping presents, decorating, and basically anything that doesn't involve sleeping.

9. I will have to bake plenty of Christmas cookies for D if I want to get away with #8.

Happy Tuesday! I'll be back with cookies for you tomorrow ;)


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