Wednesday, October 5, 2011

baking AND biking.

Why yes, I AM aware that this blog is called baking AND biking. But see, I kind of meant that more as a metaphor for "I'm going to talk about mostly baking, some cooking, randomly throw in some biking pictures that I take, and whatever else I feel like talking about." What, you didn't get that from the title? Well, I guess it isn't that clear.

Let me clear it up for you. I love baking. I love biking (I probably won't say this when I'm going up a steep-to-me hill as D is chatting along next to me like it's just another walk in the park). I also do 189289 other things in my life. Ok, maybe that's an exaggeration. So I just decide what I feel is interesting enough/good enough to put on here. 

But another metaphor behind the title is that it represents the two biggest hobbies in my life and D's life, respectively. 

I know I have only posted ONE blog post abut biking, but do you want me to lie? That was the last time I went on a bike ride. If I went on another one between then and now, I would have for sure shared it with you. Hmm.. maybe I will have to have D  start taking pictures when he goes on bike rides and I can share those with you! (PS: I promise to take a bike ride while the leaves are all so pretty... I can't pass up on that!)

ANYWAYS... a little update on life:

1. I made apple crisp on Monday and forgot the cinnamon. Fail.

2. I also made homemade applesauce on Monday and did not forget the cinnamon. Win.

3. I roasted my first whole chicken on Monday. (Apparently Monday was a very productive day for me in the kitchen!) It was scarrrrry. But turned out delicious. 

4. I made nothing yesterday (Tuesday). We were busy. We ordered Pizza for dinner.

5. I just finished putting all the ingredients for beef stew in the crock pot. You better believe I can't wait to smell that when I walk in the door tonight. (Recipe coming soon!)

Hope you're having a great hump day!