Tuesday, April 24, 2012

i'm baaaaack!

So the last time I posted was November 11, 2011. That's like 5 and a half months ago, guys! Jeeze louise. Here's what happened: The end of the semester got busy, I got lazy, Christmas kept me preoccupied, I enjoyed winter break from college, and then my last semester ever began and I just decided that maybe it would be better (read: I'm already a big enough procrastinator as it is) if I just waited until I was done with school to get back into blogging. 

And so... here I am! I graduate in 18 days, so I am making the executive decision that school is close enough to being over that I can justify giving a little bit of my time to blogging. If you want a quick glimpse at what I've been up to the past 5+ months, just check out my instagram feed

But other than graduation, here's what's been going on:

1. I got a new job for after graduation, so D and I will be moving! We are excited to explore a new place, go on bike rides, try new restaurants, and have adventures! 

2. Our new apartment allows pets. We are super excited to finally be able to get a dog! You better believe I will be exploiting his/her (we're hoping her!) cuteness all over my blog and instagram. Who doesn't love cute pet pictures? 

3. I've been working on losing weight since about the second week of January. It's still a work in progress, and I hope to share the whole story with you someday once I'm in the "maintaining" phase, but I've lost about 30 pounds so far. It's really exciting and I'm happier with my body than I have been since high school.

4. Because of #3 (and the fact that D says my baking makes him fat), there hasn't been a whole heck of a lot of baking sweets going on 'round these parts. I'm hoping to get back on that horse, because I really do love baking and taking pictures, but I can't promise anything. Maybe you can expect some healthier recipes? 

I'm so happy to be back and I look forward to sharing with you :)

1 comment:

  1. Popped over to say hi. Hope that your renewed interest in blogging feeds you in many ways (pun intended lol). And yay for seeing more doggies on Instagram! As I said on your instagram feed, I stepped wayyyy back from blogging in favor of the easier/faster Instagram and only post every so often on my blog. hey, whatever works for each person, right! Anyway, enjoy the ride and many many congrats on the great weight loss!
