I already told you all about the food I ate while in Boston, so this post is dedicated to just the sights and what I did while there. First of all, I'm 6 years old at heart. I still sleep with a stuffed animal... every night. What? Totally normal.
Anyways, the housekeeper who cleaned my room every day for almost two weeks always put my stuffed animals on my bed after she made it in different/adorable ways. Also, I had a king size bed. All to myself. I could [and did during one very memorable, life changing nap] sleep horizontally across the bed.
The next picture is from the first Friday that I was there. Clearly I didn't do much in the way of adventure-having for the first 5 days of the trip. Friday night, we went into Boston for the first time and walked around Quincy Market and had dinner. All the lights in the trees were really pretty and the street performers were actually pretty funny!
Dillon came to visit over the weekend that I was there! He didn't get out of work until 9 at night on Friday, so he didn't get to the hotel until about 3am Saturday morning. I guess he had to call my cell phone a few times [even though it was set to obnoxiously loud] for me to wake up and come let him in the hotel!
We both love going to the zoo, so we decided Saturday we would spend some of the day at the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston. It was a nice day outside and the zoo wasn't too busy!
We saw this peacock up-close and personal, and right before we walked away he ruffled up all his feathers! It was awesome.
The Franklin Park Zoo has an area called "Zoorassic Park" that you can pay a little extra to walk through. It has a bunch of animatronic dinosaurs that are really life-like! It was actually pretty suspenseful not knowing when/if a dinosaur was going to make noise or shoot water at you. I can imagine at night it is actually pretty scary!
Dillon is an anthropology major with interests in primatology and forensic anthropology, so it's no surprise that he was most excited to see the gorillas. They were all just hanging out in the sun enjoying the nice day.
I kind of go back and forth on which zoo animal is my favorite, but I really love elephants and giraffes. There weren't any elephants at the Franklin Park Zoo, so I had to get a picture with a giraffe!
After the zoo, we drove further into downtown Boston and found a parking spot in a WAY overpriced parking garage. We walked a little ways away from the parking garage to look at the harbor. It was FULL of boats!
After lunch, we decided to skip the aquarium that we had originally planned on checking out and just walked around Boston instead! We saw lots of really tall buildings, cool architecture, beautiful parks and walkways, cobblestone streets, Quincy Market, fountains, and interesting people. It was a great afternoon!
Sunday morning, we decided to take a trip into Cambridge and go to the Harvard Museum of Natural History and the Peabody Museum of Archeology.
I snapped a picture of this sign at the museum. I liked it!
I was sad that Dillon had to leave on Monday morning, but at least the sunset on Monday night from the hotel room was beautiful!
Tuesday night, I went to Fenway Park for a Red Sox/White Sox game. They were great seats and it was awesome being in such an old ballpark! I know my brother and Dillon were both jealous that I had made it to Fenway before them. Even though I am a Yankees fan [if you couldn't tell by my dog named Jeter], I could still appreciate the awesomeness of Fenway!
The best sight of all, though, was this face waiting for me when I walked through the door on Friday after being gone for almost two weeks. I missed him so so so much!
Dillon was working when I got home (boo!), but I found these waiting for me on the coffee table. What a sweet guy! :)
Well, that's about it! I would love to visit Boston again and have more time to roam around and see the sights, but I am pretty happy with all I got to see and do during a work trip! Hope you all weren't too bored as I re-lived my fun little Boston "vacation"! Until next time :)
"Don't you EVER leave me for 2 weeks again! Do you hear me?" |