But alas, here it is.. only October 11th. Thanksgiving is SO far away! But then as soon as it IS Thanksgiving and it is FINALLY acceptable to listen to Christmas music and be all "yay Christmas!" without getting death stares or "it's too early" comments, it's over in the blink of an eye.
Alright, I'm done whining about this. But just know that I am bottling up tons of holiday excitement. I have four lists going on my "Lists" app: Christmas Cookies, Christmas Wish List, Christmas Shopping, and Christmas Decorating/To Do. I also INSIST that we watch every single one of our Christmas movies EVERY year, and we usually buy at least one new one each year too. This year, we are definitely buying Arthur Christmas. Loved it!
And yes, I am this ridiculous in real life. Just ask Dillon. We have a deal, him and I. I don't play Christmas music until the day after Thanksgiving each year [read: I don't play it around him], and in exchange, he doesn't complain about me playing Christmas music during every possible waking moment from Thanksgiving to Christmas.
No, I'm not kidding. Wrapping presents? Perfect occasion for music. Decorating the tree? Obviously. Baking cookies? It just wouldn't be the same without it. Christmas music just.. makes everything more Christmas-y. I am beyond excited to hear Christmas music on the radio and not feel ridiculous about listening to Christmas pandora stations all day at work.
Am I completely alone here? I can't be the only crazy person who LOVES everything Christmas.
I guess I should go enjoy fall while it's still here. Rake some leaves [with my non-existent rake], carve some pumpkins, bake some apple crisp, and continue to despise everything pumpkin flavored [with two exceptions: Dillon's mom's pumpkin roll (um hello, cream cheese frosting) and my sister's pumpkin cake (um hello, cake)].
Happy Thursday, everyone! I actually hate Thursday's. But that's a story for another day. Probably a Thursday. Which I hate.