Friday, July 29, 2011

the soup.

Last night D and I went to Super Walmart at like 10pm (which D calls "the soup"). We were bored. But I did get some yummy looking peaches for 68 cents a pound, which is really good! I also got the ingredients to make these and this. Yum! Can't wait. I'm not sure if I'm going to be making them today or not though, because I have a lot of homework to do that's due tonight. Another thing I want to make in the near future is this. Mmmm I've been in a baking mood!

Also, yesterday morning I woke up with muscle pain on the palm of my left hand, kind of below my pinky finger. I just thought maybe I slept on it wrong, so I didn't look it up or anything. Today it is still there, and it's worse, so I did some googling. This is the muscle:

From what I've read, I could just have a pinched nerve on my elbow. I took some Ibuprofen to see if that would bring swelling down. If it's not gone by Monday I'll call my doctor. It's really annoying though because I'm left-handed and so that part of my hand gets pushed against the desk when I write. Ugh. Plus I work on a computer at work so hopefully that doesn't make it worse!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

double fudge oreo crunch cookies.

Yesterday I baked more cookies. Two days in a row! Let's hope that D doesn't get sick of eating yummy baked goods anytime soon. All I know is... I'm going through A LOT of butter. There is so much butter in baked goods! 

They're called "Double Fudge Oreo Crunch Cookies". They were super delicious. I think I liked them even better than the ones I made the day before (Giant Rainbow Cookies). D ate 7 of them! :O Here's the recipe!

Oh! And my brother Brandon came to visit yesterday! :) We played You Don't Know Jack. It was fun. 

For dinner, I made fish sticks out of some Swai filets and parmesan roasted potato wedges. Recipes here and here. They both turned out really yummy. I cooked the potato wedges on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil, just because I thought it would make clean-up easier, but they stuck to it really bad. Next time I would either spray it with cooking spray or just nix the aluminum foil.

My mom sent my brother with a bowl full of fresh blueberries that my grandma probably got up at 5am to pick. I remember going with her when I was little, and we always HAD to get there that early to "beat out all the other people". I guess grandma knows best. So today I am going to make blueberry muffins with the fresh blueberries. :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


No, not that kind. Although I do love that kind. 

This is Bacon. He's our guinea pig, and we love him. Granted, he does get annoying at times. He likes to bite the bars of his cage whenever he is out of food or water or whenever his cage gets too messy. But last night, we let him roam around the living room floor, and he was just adorable. He ran, he played, he sniffed, he popcorned (this cute little jumping thing that guinea pigs do), and he tired himself right out. 

And yes, I do know his name is adorable. Thank you. 

new cookie, new blog.

Hello there, blogging world. I decided to create a blog because, well, why not? I'm not quite sure exactly what I am going to blog about exactly, but I'm sure I'll figure it out as I go along. 

Yesterday I found a blog written by a girl named Jessica- it's called "How Sweet It Is". A friend actually posted a link to one of the recipes in her blog on facebook. I immediately became obsessed with looking at all the recipes she has posted and the funny tidbits she has to go along with them.

So, today I decided to make one of the recipes from her blog. They're called "Giant Rainbow Cookies" and they are absolutely delicious. I had a lot of fun making them. 

I'm mostly making this blog for myself, to look back on in the future and see all the awesome things I did/baked/ate/conquered. It's also a very creative outlet for me when I'm procrastinating! (Which I do far too often, as you'll learn) Other than that, I know I'll have at least one faithful follower, my boyfriend. I shall refer to him as "D". 

I'm hoping to learn more about blogging and all the logistics, but I am fairly proud of myself that I managed to create a hyperlink and add a picture to this post. Here's to a new cookie, a new blog, and a new thing to do with my time!