Last night D and I went to Super Walmart at like 10pm (which D calls "the soup"). We were bored. But I did get some yummy looking peaches for 68 cents a pound, which is really good! I also got the ingredients to make these and this. Yum! Can't wait. I'm not sure if I'm going to be making them today or not though, because I have a lot of homework to do that's due tonight. Another thing I want to make in the near future is this. Mmmm I've been in a baking mood!
Also, yesterday morning I woke up with muscle pain on the palm of my left hand, kind of below my pinky finger. I just thought maybe I slept on it wrong, so I didn't look it up or anything. Today it is still there, and it's worse, so I did some googling. This is the muscle:
From what I've read, I could just have a pinched nerve on my elbow. I took some Ibuprofen to see if that would bring swelling down. If it's not gone by Monday I'll call my doctor. It's really annoying though because I'm left-handed and so that part of my hand gets pushed against the desk when I write. Ugh. Plus I work on a computer at work so hopefully that doesn't make it worse!